Blog: Guide

How To Setup Kiosk Mode on a Tablet\iPad
Kiosk mode can be used for a range of services, including checking in to an appointment, buying tickets, paying for things, and more. Check how to make your tablet or iPad available only for…

Lock it or lose it ? Top 3 best Microsoft Surface Locks for 2020
If you are using your Surface tablet for personal use or it is company-owned, anti-theft is…

Is there a safe way to travel with my laptop?
While being away from home, often we need to carry with us our laptop, source of…

Whats The Difference Between….
Maclocks designs and manufactures high-quality security and design solutions for IT hardware – laptops, ipads, and…

Your Business Needs A Customer Feedback Kiosk
Customer feedback provides business owners with priceless insight to improve their business, products and overall customer experience. Asking customers to…

Secure Your Samsung Galaxy
Compulocks is proud to offer the largest selection for Samsung security mounts, stands, kiosks and accessories for all ranges and modifications of the Galaxy Tab. Space Galaxy 360 The Space Galaxy Stand is the ultimate security solution for…

Maclocks Top 5 Products of 2015!
In the world of tablet security and display solutions, 2015 was a big year for Universal,…

8 Reasons to Use an iPad Kiosk in a Coffee Shop
Most shop owners are now opting to run their business with an iPad or other touch…

Maclocks New Fall 2014 Catalog is Here!
Maclocks knows security. We offer the largest range of secured tablet & computer hardware solutions to…