Blog: Press Release

iPad Pro Kiosk Self-Check is the Newest Trend in Major Airports
Largest airports double service options with deployment of iPad Pro Kiosk for self-check in. Austin, TX Hardware security leader Maclocks recently announced their secure iPad Pro Kiosk solutions were installed as self-check in stands in top…

Compulocks Galaxy Tablet Kiosks Chosen by Samsung for AV Event
Security hardware manufacturer Compulocks hand selected by Samsung to display their premium Galaxy tablets. Austin, TX…

High Attach Rate for iPad Pro Lock Following Release of Super-sized Tablet
Maclocks iPad Pro security stand strengthens Apple’s claim of new iPad being a “laptop replacement” AUSTIN,…

Compulocks First to Announce New Surface Pro 4 Kiosk
Microsoft Surface Pro 4 was recently announced, and Compulocks has already designed a full line of…

New Apple TV Security Mount Released By Maclocks
Apple’s new TV can no longer be hidden behind the monitor, so a secured display mounting…

Banking Industry Invests in New iPad Locking Stands
Austin, TX Following last month’s debut of the DoubleLock iPad Enclosure Kiosk, Maclocks introduces the newest solution for iPad mobility and security – Hand Grip and Dock Security Stand. Apple’s iPad improves the modern…

Maclocks Releases the First Double Locking iPad Enclosure Kiosk
Austin, TX Designed for highly populated public areas such as banks and hotel lobbies, DoubleLock is…

Maclocks Debuts New Apple Pay iPad Enclosure
Austin, TX New Retail iPad enclosure provides the perfect balance between security and accessibility, Rokku, the…

Schools Prevent Theft with Compulocks Top 3 IT Security Solutions
Compulocks range of innovative locks, secured carts and mounts that are designed to provide functional yet…

It’s Secured. Compulocks Confirms New Surface 3 Enclosure
Austin, TX To elevate the experience of the “tablet-laptop hybrid”, Compulocks today announced a line of…