Blog: iPad Stand

5 Strategies To Improve Customer Experience In Banking
It’s not your grandparents’ bank anymore. The days when carrying out a transaction in your account meant taking a walk to your local branch and having a chat with a teller are long over.…

How to improve guest satisfaction in the 21st-century hotel experience
How to improve guest satisfaction in the 21st-century hotel experience Given how much time people spend…

3 Smart Ways Students and Teachers Can Use Technology
Parents, teachers and students are embracing all that technology has to offer in the classroom and…

Meet Us At EuroCIS This Week!
Compulocks is excited to be exhibiting at EuroCIS to showcase our extensive range of mPOS and retail tech…

Your Business Needs A Customer Feedback Kiosk
Customer feedback provides business owners with priceless insight to improve their business, products and overall customer experience. Asking customers to…

Tablet Mobility & Security in One Perfect Solution
The new standard in secured tablet mobility solutions: Tablet Hand Grip & Dock Stand Secure your…

Nike Store Using Rise iPad Stand
When Nike started delivering in Canada, the brand set up a massive shipping crate in downtown Toronto and…

Elevate Your iPad
Shop HyperSpace Now!

Maclocks at NHL Playoffs
For the 2016 NHL playoffs, the Nashville Predators wanted a new info kiosk for the lobby…